A trauma-focused, experiential program for children

Resilient. Flexible. Adaptable. Strong.

These words, often used to describe the Osage trees that surround our facilities, also capture those qualities we hope to nurture and develop in the children we serve through Osage Strong. By combining horses and nature with evidence–based practices Osage Strong endeavors to build resilient children who can withstand, survive and perhaps even thrive through the ravages of poverty, abuse, neglect, addiction and other chronic adverse life experiences.

In spite of the beauty and richness of our region, life in Appalachia can be extremely challenging for many of the children growing up in our midst. Generations of poverty and all that accompanies it can create a bleak future with little hope for some of our most vulnerable citizens. Only the most resilient survive these experiences intact. Those of us who care deeply about the plight of these children face a different challenge – finding interventions and strategies that can proportionally counter the devastating effects that a life of chronic stress can inflict.

Osage Strong is striving to do just that!

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