The late summer 2020 group, Build Your Herd, will be for returning children and adolescents. The group will focus on applying previously acquired skills to building social skills and friendships. These groups will be held on 4 consecutive Thursdays(July 23-August 13) from 9:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. for 8-12 year olds and 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 PM for for 13-17 year olds.
Registration Deadline is July 3, 2018!
Group Description
Having one good friend has been identified as a powerful protective factor in the life of a distressed child but they often struggle to make these important connections. The traumatized child frequently says or does hurtful things to their peers from a defensive, anxious posture that is rooted in the misperception of the intentions of others. Problems with impulse control, social anxiety, and a negative world view can create significant barriers to forming vital friendships.
Build Your Herd, will focus on social skills and making friends. Specific skills taught will include the development of keen observation skills and mindfulness to increase awareness of self, the social context and the verbal and non-verbal communication of others (horses and people!).
Participants will be challenged to use what they observe to build empathy toward others and to find congruence between what they see and what they feel. Various relaxation strategies will be taught to decrease social anxiety which can become so high for the traumatized child that they either “freeze” socially or act impulsively in an effort to relieve it.
Learning to set and recognize boundaries will also be explored as an essential tool for reducing social anxiety and forming healthy friendships.
Strategies for reducing conflict will be introduced and utilized throughout the group experience as participants face challenges in their interactions with other group members.
Other specific skills such as being a good listener, sharing, taking turns etc. will be integrated based on unique group dynamics that emerge.